Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring is in the HAIR

Hey loves..I'mmmm baaaack..Happy Hump Day! Let's get right down to business.  Today, I want to talk to you about shrinkage, curl patterns & protecting your tresses during the Spring/Summer. 

Several naturalistas have asked me about shrinkage. First of all let me say this...shrinkage is the product of your hair type. The denser the hair, the more shrinkage you will have. There are several things that can be done to minimize shrinkage. You can wear, twist outs or braid outs or try using products that contain natural humectants. Humectants retain moisture in the hair, causing it to be more relaxed, which minimizes the appearance of shrinkage. Some examples of natural humectants are aloe vera gel & vegetable glycerin. There are several products out there that contain humectants. Just be sure to read the labels. You can also visit your local health food store or herb store to purchase them yourself. Ultimately, I advise you to EMBRACE & love your hair..shrinkage & all!!

I recently had a young lady ask me.."when is my hair going to look like yours?" Ummm, ok first of all...YOUR hair is YOUR hair & MY hair is MY hair. There are no two heads of hair on this planet that are EXACTLY the same. Like I've said numerous times before,what works for some, may not work for others. The only way to truly determine what works for your hair is trial & error.  Your hair will let you know...Trust me! All hair types & curl patterns aren't the same. Someone my have 2 or 3 types/textures of hair on their head. It's ALL beautiful so WERK with what you have!

Protect your hair this Spring and Summer by keeping it well moisturized & by wearing protective styles.Be sure to keep the ends well hydrated.  The ends are the oldest & most fragile parts of the hair strand. I normally sprtiz my hair with water and avacado oil & seal it with 100% African Shea butter. This should be an easy task for those of you thst are wearing protective styles such as braids or twists. Also, remember to keep your hair conditioned, especially if you are going to be swimming in the pool a lot. The chlorine from the water will dry your hair out. I love this time of year because it is warm enough for my fav...wash & go...I love being care free & letting my hair air dry! Well guys...that's all for now..ttys!!


Friday, April 6, 2012


Hey Beautiful People!!!!

I want to share something with you guys that I know will sound odd to some. I think outside of the box about several things, but I was recently asked, if I was having a "GOOD" day or a "BAD" day. "BAD" days do not exist in MY world! EVERYDAY is a "GOOD" day as far as I'm concerned. I know that some of you are thinking.."This CHICA is out of her mind..shoot I have "BAD" days all of the time." I have told you before that YOUR mind is very POWERFUL & if you think something, & believe it with all of your being, then you will get what you ask for. So, if you continue to think that your day is going "BAD" or a certain situation is "BAD" then those negative thoughts will manifest & it will be & feel "BAD."

It is your prospective that changes the outcome of the situation. Just because things do not go how you may have planned them to or the results weren't what you were hoping for, doesn't mean that you still didn't win. It just means that you are in store for something BETTER! Sometimes you are going to feel sad,disappointed or hurt, but those emotions are just minor when you are on your way to GREATNESS! Those things make you stronger & help you grow as a SPIRITUAL being on HUMAN journey. Think about what happened to bring those results that you didn't want, fix them, & try again.

                        A Few Of My Favorite Inspirational Quotes

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker.

 You don’t become what you want; you become what you believe.
Oprah Winfrey

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.
Maya Angelou

 Don’t settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that’s in us.
Angela Bassett

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.
Wilma Rudolph

When you are feeling down & out & ready to give up...just think about these quotes & the women that wrote them...everyone did not start at the top, it takes hard work & dedication, but it is soooo worth it & so are YOU!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spoil YOUr skin

Hey Beautiful People,

                                 Happy Hump Day!! The weekend is almost here!!  I'm soooo excited!! I have been asked several times about the products that I use on my hair & skin. Normally, after I tell people, they ask..."how much does that cost?"...I get different responses to my answer...Some people will say.."Oh, that's not bad" & then some people will say..."Oh, Hell naw Tipp...that's too expensive!" Lol...My response to both answers is...I am worth every penny...I would rather spend a $100 on something that is healthy,than wasting $1 on something that isn't. I'm not saying go & spend a ton of money on beauty products...I am just saying don't spend a ton of money on products that aren't helping you.

 So, today,I wanted to talk to you guys about the products that I use on my skin. Let's begin with the face. Being that I am an independent marketing director with Soul Purpose, naturally, I use the products that I sell. As a matter of fact, I used the products for a while before I started selling them. I wanted to make sure that the products were quality & that they worked.

Youngevity Botanical Spa Collection

 This kit includes a creamy cleanser,exfoliating gel cleanser,citrus toner,morning hydration cream, & a night time restorative cream...Everything in the kit is 100% NATURAL...After washing my face one time, I could tell a difference in my skin....after ONE week...My skin was changing from the inside out!!

I use several products from the Soul Purpose line...There are 9 signature scents, but my personal favorite is BRAZILIAN JACK FRUIT...I cleanse my body with the shower gel(that doubles as a natural hair shampoo & bubble bath)...I exfoliate with the sugar scrub. I have normal skin, so, I alternate between the custard & the Shea butter balm & lotion to moisturize my just depends on my mood...If you have oily skin..I recommend using the custard..its very light, but stills moisturizes, for combination skin, the lotion & for dry skin the Shea butter leaves a light sheen on your skin,giving it a beautiful glow.

 The custard & Shea butter balm not only keeps my skin looking & smelling radiant, but my hair loves them too...It's always a plus when you can find ONE product that you can use for a variety of can check out the full product line at or if you already know what you want go to & place your order...If you live in the Atlanta or message me on Facebook to set up a consultation

I rarely wear make up, but when I do...I wear nothing but the BEST....This make up is 100% PURE MINERALS!!

Check out this foundation chart to see what you have been putting on your face...

I am in the process of changing my current diet to a holistic diet...Not only does your diet play a important role in your overall health, it plays a VERY important role in what your skin & hair looks like...ALWAYS remember...YOU ARE WHAT YOU...EAT...DRINK...& THINK!!

My girl Teesha is helping me get guys should check out her vlog on youtube it's awesome... will see Teesha & myself in the spring issue of Mhe magazine!!

Here's a little sneak peak--->>

Until next time...

Miss Tipp

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hey Naturalistas... I am going to post a few pics of some FIERCE updos...I know that it's prom season & you young ladies may be wanting some ideas on what to do with your hair..& Wedding season is right around the corner as well. I need you guys to help me pick out a hair style for a wedding that I am going to be in on Aug 25....Also, I will be giving a few natural hair tips for all the divas that are transitioning from relaxed to natural..LET'S GO!!

 Isn't this beautiful...I really dig the color,subtle,but BOLD..yet it's elegant very JAZZY CHIC!!

I like this one too...especially the pattern in the front..FIERCE!!!

                                This one is kute too...what y'all think?

This is a nice flat twist up do 

I really like the big braid in the front


This one is simple,but elegant!



 This is one of my favs,but I would not be able to stand someone braiding my hair that small lol

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What's REALLY going on...Is this The United States of America or Amerikkka?

               I am so full of emotions right now, I can barely gather my thoughts into words. I can not believe the state that my country is in. Not only is it saddening, but it is embarrassing. Here we are...The proud United States of America..other countries look to us as a place of hope, a future to build a better life for themselves & their families & we as a country can not unite because we have been programmed to see each other as a color.

Let's begin with this...REALLY??...I mean seriously...I have to say that I have NEVER witnessed a president that has been more disrespected than president Barack Obama. I am not saying that I agree with everything that he has done, but he is our commander in chief & with that title alone, he should be given more respect than this. The whole world is watching & this is what some people have to say about our president. The one positive thing that I can say is, at least the owner of this vehicle is honest. There are several people that feel the same way, but will never admit it.

On February 26, 2012, a 17-year-old African-American named Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida. The shooter was George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white man.* Zimmerman admits killing Martin, but claims he was acting in self-defense. Three weeks after Martin’s death, no arrests have been made and Zimmerman remains free.

All my life, I have been told that, it takes a village to raise a child. Well village, our 17yr old son was murdered, and his killer walked away as a free man. Our son was murdered because he was BLACK!! He was hunted down like an animal & his cries were heard by many & no one, tried to save our baby. The same country that stripped Michael Vick of almost everything & made him serve time for hosting dog fights, let a grown ass man kill an innocent child.

So village, what are we going to do about it? We need mass participation from everyone to sign the petition demanding that an arrest will be made for the coward that murdered Trayvon.

Mail a bag of skittles(used or unused) to Police chief Bill Lee at the Sanford Police station: 815 West 13th St
                     Sanford,Fl 32771

Make a call to the Department of Justice to arrest Trayvon's killer & launch an investigation to the Sanford Police department's mishandling of the case.

Please pass this info along to EVERYONE...

until next time...
Miss Tipp

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Loving Yourself Doesn't Mean That You're Selfish

Hello Beautiful People,                                

 I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far. How many of us take time to do what we REALLY want to do? Sometimes you are pulled in so many different directions that you don't know whether you're coming or going. It seems like everyone wants something from you, & you comply, but the first time you decide to do what you want to do instead of what they want you to're being yes I can sooo relate. Don't ever feel guilty about doing what you want to do. Nobody knows you better than you & everyone needs a break sometimes. If it's just an hour to pamper yourself, meditate, or do absolutely all means DO IT!! It doesn't make you selfish, it just means that you love yourself enough to know when you need ME time.

You should always make time for yourself. That time is needed to regroup so that you can focus & get back on track with whatever it is that you are aspiring to achieve. As a new entrepreneur, that still works in corporate America, I often have to block everything out & simply cater to ME & ME ONLY. Do I feel bad about it? Not at all, because I know that if I'm not happy, then it will most definitely show & the people around me will notice. It's important to always do your best, but that is impossible if you are tired & worn out.

We go through so much & hold things in,but at some point, it has to be released. I want to challenge all of you out there to take at least 1 day each month that you do something for YOUrself. You can go out with friends, spend time with your family, or go & get those hott Jeffrey Campbell wedges that you want, as long as it's what you want to do...DO IT!! Spend the ENTIRE day doing YOU!! I want you guys to comment & let me know what you are doing..Well today is not my ME day, so I have to get back to work, but I will ttys...until next time..

Miss Tipp

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Believe In Yourself....

Greetings CHICas,

                             It has been a very long, but productive day, & I thank the Creator for allowing me to see it. I wanted to talk to you about dreams. No, not the ones that you experience when you go to sleep,but your aspirations. The things that you want to do or thought of doing in life,but are either afraid or uneasy about trying to make them a reality.

Maybe you want to start your own business,climb a mountain or run a marathon, & along the way you may have shared those dreams with someone & they didn't believe in you. They may have even discouraged you & told you that you will never achieve them..well guess what?...They were wrong!!...You can do ANYTHING that you want to do. Will it take hard work? Of course it will, but you have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! Know with ALL your being that you will not settle for anything other than your dream. Hold on to it & never let it go or look back. How can you expect to move forward if you keep looking back?

Everything begins with one thing...a THOUGHT...thoughts are very powerful! Always think positive, even if the situation seems bad, turn it into something positive. Watch the company that you keep,surround yourself with positive people that not only believe in you, but believe in themselves. If someone doesn't care about themselves, then 9 times out of 10, they aren't going to care about you or your dreams. Someone wise once told me, "Everyone can't fit in your car"...I looked at her like huh? She meant that sometimes, even though you want certain people to ride down the road of greatness with you, it's just not their season.

 Some of the people that started out with you aren't going to be there at the end, but that is ok, you will have to learn to accept that & continue to move forward. Just because you see potential in someone, doesn't necessarily mean that they see potential in themselves. Yes, this applies to family members too. I'm not saying stop loving them or being there for them in their time of need, but DO NOT let ANYONE stop you! Remember,you were created for just have to want it & BELIEVE!!...Until next time..

Miss Tipp