Thursday, March 15, 2012

Believe In Yourself....

Greetings CHICas,

                             It has been a very long, but productive day, & I thank the Creator for allowing me to see it. I wanted to talk to you about dreams. No, not the ones that you experience when you go to sleep,but your aspirations. The things that you want to do or thought of doing in life,but are either afraid or uneasy about trying to make them a reality.

Maybe you want to start your own business,climb a mountain or run a marathon, & along the way you may have shared those dreams with someone & they didn't believe in you. They may have even discouraged you & told you that you will never achieve them..well guess what?...They were wrong!!...You can do ANYTHING that you want to do. Will it take hard work? Of course it will, but you have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! Know with ALL your being that you will not settle for anything other than your dream. Hold on to it & never let it go or look back. How can you expect to move forward if you keep looking back?

Everything begins with one thing...a THOUGHT...thoughts are very powerful! Always think positive, even if the situation seems bad, turn it into something positive. Watch the company that you keep,surround yourself with positive people that not only believe in you, but believe in themselves. If someone doesn't care about themselves, then 9 times out of 10, they aren't going to care about you or your dreams. Someone wise once told me, "Everyone can't fit in your car"...I looked at her like huh? She meant that sometimes, even though you want certain people to ride down the road of greatness with you, it's just not their season.

 Some of the people that started out with you aren't going to be there at the end, but that is ok, you will have to learn to accept that & continue to move forward. Just because you see potential in someone, doesn't necessarily mean that they see potential in themselves. Yes, this applies to family members too. I'm not saying stop loving them or being there for them in their time of need, but DO NOT let ANYONE stop you! Remember,you were created for just have to want it & BELIEVE!!...Until next time..

Miss Tipp

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