Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What's REALLY going on...Is this The United States of America or Amerikkka?

               I am so full of emotions right now, I can barely gather my thoughts into words. I can not believe the state that my country is in. Not only is it saddening, but it is embarrassing. Here we are...The proud United States of America..other countries look to us as a place of hope, a future to build a better life for themselves & their families & we as a country can not unite because we have been programmed to see each other as a color.

Let's begin with this...REALLY??...I mean seriously...I have to say that I have NEVER witnessed a president that has been more disrespected than president Barack Obama. I am not saying that I agree with everything that he has done, but he is our commander in chief & with that title alone, he should be given more respect than this. The whole world is watching & this is what some people have to say about our president. The one positive thing that I can say is, at least the owner of this vehicle is honest. There are several people that feel the same way, but will never admit it.

On February 26, 2012, a 17-year-old African-American named Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida. The shooter was George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white man.* Zimmerman admits killing Martin, but claims he was acting in self-defense. Three weeks after Martin’s death, no arrests have been made and Zimmerman remains free.

All my life, I have been told that, it takes a village to raise a child. Well village, our 17yr old son was murdered, and his killer walked away as a free man. Our son was murdered because he was BLACK!! He was hunted down like an animal & his cries were heard by many & no one, tried to save our baby. The same country that stripped Michael Vick of almost everything & made him serve time for hosting dog fights, let a grown ass man kill an innocent child.

So village, what are we going to do about it? We need mass participation from everyone to sign the petition demanding that an arrest will be made for the coward that murdered Trayvon. https://www.change.org/petitions/prosecute-the-killer-of-our-son-17-year-old-trayvon-martin

Mail a bag of skittles(used or unused) to Police chief Bill Lee at the Sanford Police station: 815 West 13th St
                     Sanford,Fl 32771

Make a call to the Department of Justice to arrest Trayvon's killer & launch an investigation to the Sanford Police department's mishandling of the case.

Please pass this info along to EVERYONE...

until next time...
Miss Tipp

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