Saturday, March 17, 2012

Loving Yourself Doesn't Mean That You're Selfish

Hello Beautiful People,                                

 I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far. How many of us take time to do what we REALLY want to do? Sometimes you are pulled in so many different directions that you don't know whether you're coming or going. It seems like everyone wants something from you, & you comply, but the first time you decide to do what you want to do instead of what they want you to're being yes I can sooo relate. Don't ever feel guilty about doing what you want to do. Nobody knows you better than you & everyone needs a break sometimes. If it's just an hour to pamper yourself, meditate, or do absolutely all means DO IT!! It doesn't make you selfish, it just means that you love yourself enough to know when you need ME time.

You should always make time for yourself. That time is needed to regroup so that you can focus & get back on track with whatever it is that you are aspiring to achieve. As a new entrepreneur, that still works in corporate America, I often have to block everything out & simply cater to ME & ME ONLY. Do I feel bad about it? Not at all, because I know that if I'm not happy, then it will most definitely show & the people around me will notice. It's important to always do your best, but that is impossible if you are tired & worn out.

We go through so much & hold things in,but at some point, it has to be released. I want to challenge all of you out there to take at least 1 day each month that you do something for YOUrself. You can go out with friends, spend time with your family, or go & get those hott Jeffrey Campbell wedges that you want, as long as it's what you want to do...DO IT!! Spend the ENTIRE day doing YOU!! I want you guys to comment & let me know what you are doing..Well today is not my ME day, so I have to get back to work, but I will ttys...until next time..

Miss Tipp

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