Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Hello World....I have had several people ask me for natural hair tips so from now on..on Wednesdays..I will post @ least one natural hair tip for my Froshionistas out there!! I am 5yrs creamy crack free so I know a lil somethin somethin about natural hair. I am not a Guru nor do I claim to be, but I know that I refuse to pay someone to do a job that I am capable of doing myself...So if you have questions, just ask & I will answer them.

The 1st tip of the day is be Confident....ROCK your natural hair with PRIDE. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of!! So what if your hair isn't long,silky & flowing down your's yours & the creator blessed you with it so OWN it! I get so tired of hearing people say "Oh,you're just saying that because you have "good" hair"...umm what the hell is "good" hair anyway? I know that everyone doesn't have the same texture,but that is what makes it so beautiful & unique. You have to accept who you are & love yourself for that...yes every kink,coil,& are not your hair, but it is a part of you. PATIENT...there are tons of natural hair products on the market, this wasn't the case when I began my natural hair journey. It's easy to become a PJ(product junkie),just know that your hair is not going to like EVERYTHING that you put on it. Just because your sister's,best friend's auntie used a product & it worked for her, doesn't mean that it will work for you. Find what your hair likes,you may be surprised but the best products are the one's that you mix up & make yourself. I always add unpasteurized organic honey & evoo(extra virgin olive oil) or argan oil to my conditioner & my hair loves it.

Always...take RISKS...Dare to be different...If you see a style on some one & you want to know what it will look like on you..GO 4 IT!! If you don't like it, try something else...the beautiful thing about natural hair is...there is no wrong or right way to wear it...Just be yourself!!

Make sure that you READ the ingredients...The 1st thing that is listed is what the product is mainly made of,example, if shea butter is listed 1st on the ingredient list & aloe vera is listed last, it means that the product contains more shea butter than aloe vera. Avoid products that contain mineral oil & petroleum because they will clog your pores. Try to use botanical based products. That means that the ingredients that make up the product are from plants or herbs...I hope that these tips will help you on your journey..Until next time...

Miss Tipp

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